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Privacy Policy

11/08/2024 by Gabrijel Lukic

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Official Journal of the European Union L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1, hereinafter referred to as the General Data Protection Regulation), which has been fully applicable since May 25, 2018, in the Republic of Croatia and all member states of the European Union, as well as the Act on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (Official Gazette No. 42/18, hereinafter referred to as the Act), the Labor Law (Official Gazette Nos. 93/14 and 127/17), the Occupational Safety Act (Official Gazette Nos. 71/14, 118/14, and 154/14), and in accordance with the legal framework for the protection of personal data in the Republic of Croatia and the European Union and best European practices, M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O.

registered at the Commercial Court in Zadar (hereinafter referred to as M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O.), as the data controller of personal data of its service users and customers, has developed a Privacy Policy for personal data of service users and customers. The Privacy Policy is a unilaterally binding legal act based on the fundamental principles of personal data processing, which regulates which user data is collected, how such data is processed, and for what purposes it is used. The Privacy Policy also informs service users and/or customers of their rights regarding the collection and further processing of personal data, all with the aim of protecting their privacy in a broader sense.

The Privacy Policy is based on the following principles of personal data processing: the principle of legality, transparency, and best practice, the principle of limited processing and minimization of data, the principle of accuracy and completeness of personal data, the principle of limited storage, the principle of data integrity and confidentiality, the principle of accountability, the principle of trust and fair processing, the principle of purpose limitation, and the principle of processing in anonymized form.

The Privacy Policy applies to all services offered by M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O., with the aim of the Policy being to clearly and transparently inform users about the processing of their personal data and their rights. Above all, users can at any time contact the company with a request for modification, supplementation, and/or updating of data relating to them, as well as withdraw consent and request the cessation of further processing of personal data.

The person responsible for processing personal data is: M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O.

Contact details for data protection:


Methods of Collection and Types of Personal Data Collected

Collected directly from users themselves, in such a way that users voluntarily provide data to M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. as the data controller in a specific scope of data necessary for the provision of appropriate services, sales, or other connections between the user and HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/. For the provision of appropriate services, the user is required to provide M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. with the following data, necessary for the establishment of a contractual relationship for the provision of specific services and/or the sale of certain products. The customer – user can provide the data orally or in writing at the headquarters of M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O., via an email sent to one of the M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. email addresses, and through the M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. website, HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/.

From other publicly available sources of data about companies and individuals within companies on internet portals, telephone directories containing such data, and other publicly available services, solely for the purposes for which they were initially collected.

Automatically by visiting the M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. internet (web) page, applications, and portal, where data associated with network identifiers (internet protocol addresses and cookie identifiers, such as Google Analytics for tracking user and/or customer interaction) is collected.

A cookie is a small data file that is stored on a computer or mobile device when visiting a specific website. Cookies are used to provide a better user experience for each user and/or customer, saving user and/or customer preferences, ensuring the website works more efficiently, and for monitoring and analyzing the usage and traffic of the M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. website.

By disabling and/or blocking the storage of cookies, the user and/or customer can still browse the M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. websites. However, there is a possibility that certain options and/or functionalities of the website will not be available to such a user and/or customer, or that the time needed to access certain functions of the website will be longer than usual.

These network identifiers can leave traces that, in combination with other identifiers and information provided by internet service providers, can be used to identify users and/or customers.

The quantity or scope of personal data that M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. collects depends on the type of service that M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. provides to its users and/or customers, as well as on the legal basis under which it collects the data. M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY constantly takes care to collect only the necessary scope of personal data required to achieve the legally determined purpose for which the data is processed.

Data on Potential Users

M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY also collects data on potential users and/or customers of its services and/or products. This data includes basic information (name and surname, email address), but also the interests of potential Users and/or Customers who contact the company with a desire to be informed and/or offered certain products and services.

A cookie is a small data file that is stored on a computer or mobile device when visiting a specific website. Cookies are used to provide a better user experience for each user and/or customer, saving user and/or customer preferences, ensuring the website works more efficiently, and for monitoring and analyzing the usage and traffic of the M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. website.

By disabling and/or blocking the storage of cookies, the user and/or customer can still browse the M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. websites. However, there is a possibility that certain options and/or functionalities of the website will not be available to such a user and/or customer, or that the time needed to access certain functions of the website will be longer than usual.

These network identifiers can leave traces that, in combination with other identifiers and information provided by internet service providers, can be used to identify users and/or customers.

The quantity or scope of personal data that M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. collects depends on the type of service that M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. provides to its users and/or customers, as well as on the legal basis under which it collects the data. M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY constantly takes care to collect only the necessary scope of personal data required to achieve the legally determined purpose for which the data is processed.

Types of Personal Data Collected

The data that the Customer – User most commonly provides is:

  • Name and surname
  • Address
  • Personal identification number (OIB)
  • Contact phone and/or mobile number
  • Email contact information
  • Data from personal identification card
  • Bank account information and card number for payment obligations

Where Personal Data is Processed

Personal data of Users – Customers is processed by M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. in the Republic of Croatia.

Where Collected Data is Stored

The data is processed in such a way that all or part of the information about Customers – Users – Subjects is stored in the databases of the data controller.

Data Controller’s Obligations Regarding Processing Security


The Data Controller implements technical and organizational measures to ensure an appropriate level of security.

The Data Controller also takes measures to ensure that any individual acting under the Data Controller’s authority, who has access to personal data, does not process that data unless directed by the Data Controller.

Taking into account the nature, scope, context, and purposes of processing, as well as the risks of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of individuals, the Data Controller implements appropriate technical and organizational measures in accordance with Security Policies to ensure and be able to demonstrate that processing is carried out in accordance with the General Regulation.

Purpose of Data Collection and Further Processing

M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY collects and further processes personal data of users and/or customers for the purpose of concluding and executing contracts, completing purchases or service interventions on equipment, delivering ordered products, advising and assisting in the use of products, providing appropriate additional and/or extended warranties for products, resolving user and/or customer complaints, and other actions related to the conclusion and execution of contracts in accordance with applicable regulations.

Processing personal data of users and/or customers for the above purposes represents a necessity and legal basis for the conclusion of contracts, and in the event that the user and/or customer refuses to provide essential data, the service will not be able to conclude the contract and/or take certain actions related to the execution of the concluded contract.

Organization of Prize Games

M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY occasionally organizes prize games, and the data is used to notify the winners.

Direct Marketing

Contact information of users and/or customers may be used to send promotional notifications about M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. products and services if the Customer – User has given consent.

Video Surveillance

M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. uses surveillance cameras for the protection of persons and property.

Retention Period of Personal Data

Depending on the purpose and legal basis under which personal data of users and/or customers is collected, M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. is in some cases required to retain personal data for a period prescribed by applicable regulations or until the purpose for which it was collected ceases to exist. Upon the expiration of the statutory period that obliges M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. to retain certain personal data or upon the cessation of the purpose, the data is deleted.

In cases where the basis for the collection and processing of data is the consent of the user and/or customer, personal data is retained for 10 years.

Data processed based on the consent of users and/or customers may be deleted before the expiration of the period stated in this Policy, if such deletion is requested by the user and/or customer, or when the user and/or customer objects to such processing in writing via the email address: INFO@NAUTICSERVICE.EU.

Ways to Exercise Rights

Users can exercise their rights if they believe there has been a breach in the processing of their personal data, via the contact details or by email to INFO@NAUTICSERVICE.EU. Additionally, the user and/or customer has the right to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority.

Conditions and Reasons for Transferring Personal Data to Third Parties

M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. transfers the personal data of Customers – Users to third parties (including competent authorities) in the following cases:

  • To fulfill the legal obligations of M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. where such processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of Customers – Users.
  • To fulfill contractual obligations, to perform work on behalf of the Customer – User where it is necessary to engage a third party – data processor.

Processing of Personal Data in the Employment Context

Personal data of employees may be collected, processed, used, and delivered to third parties only if prescribed by law or if necessary for the realization of rights and obligations from employment or in connection with employment.

The Data Controller, in order to realize rights and obligations from employment, will collect, process, use, and deliver to third parties only those personal data that are necessary for the stated purpose, and such data will only be delivered at the request of courts and other state or public authorities.

Terms of use

The content on the website HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/ is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use of any part of the website HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/, without the permission of the copyright owner, is considered a violation of copyright and is subject to legal action. Documents, data, and information published on the website HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/ may not be reproduced, distributed, or used in any way for commercial purposes without the explicit consent of the COMPANY OWNER (hereinafter referred to as M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O.) or in any way that could cause damage to the association or any third party. Documents, data, and information published on these websites may be used only for the individual needs of users, respecting all copyrights, ownership rights, and the rights of third parties.

By using the content of these websites, the user accepts all risks arising from the use of these websites and agrees to use the content of these websites exclusively for personal use and at their own responsibility. The association fully disclaims any liability that may arise from or is in any way related to the use of these websites, for any actions of users using or misusing the content of these websites, and for any damage that may occur to the user or any third party in connection with the use or misuse of the content of these websites.

These websites also contain documents, data, information, and links to other Internet sites created by third parties, which will, whenever possible, be marked as such. M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. has no control over the aforementioned documents, data, information, or other Internet sites and fully disclaims any responsibility, including but not limited to the accuracy, completeness, and availability of content on Internet sites created by third parties.

The website HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/ uses so-called cookies to provide the user with a service with full functionality and high-quality content. Cookies represent a set of data generated by the web server and stored by the web browser on the user’s disk in the form of a small text file.

A session cookie is set on the user’s computer while visiting the website HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/ only for the duration of the visit to these websites, allowing the user to use the website HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/ more efficiently, and it automatically expires when the browser is closed. Additionally, the website HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/ tracks statistical visits solely to obtain necessary information about the attractiveness and success of its pages on the market, using a third-party service called Google Analytics. Detailed information from the third party about this service, as well as the user’s options related to the regulation of cookies required for this purpose, is available at:

The user of the website HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/ can always independently regulate the receipt of cookies through their web browser settings. The company excludes any responsibility for any loss of functionality and/or quality of website content in all cases where the user regulates the receipt of cookies.

By using the website HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/, it is considered that users are at all times aware of and agree with these terms of use, including the provisions on data processing and cookie-related options.

M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. undertakes to respect the anonymity and privacy of users of these websites. M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. may collect personal data from users, such as name, address, phone number, or email address, only if the user voluntarily provides them to M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. The association will use the provided data solely to better understand the individual needs and requirements of users and to develop the ability to provide all services to the satisfaction of users. M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. undertakes not to make the provided data available to any third party without the user’s explicit consent.

M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. reserves the right to modify the content of these websites and will not be responsible for any possible consequences arising from such changes.

M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. reserves the right to modify these terms of use. Users will be appropriately and timely informed of any changes to these terms of use. Changes to these terms of use take effect on the date of their publication on the website HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/.

Who Are We?

Our website is HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/. More information about what we do can be found on the website.

Location Information

OIB: 75802023798

Notice of Website Use

By using the website, you confirm that you are aware of and agree to the terms listed below. If you do not agree with the terms, please leave the website HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/. M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. reserves the right to change the terms on the website HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/ at any time, without prior notice.

Comments and Complaints

In accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, the buyer may submit a written complaint to the seller at INFO@NAUTICSERVICE.EU. We will respond to all your comments and complaints as soon as possible.

Out-of-Court Consumer Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute between the Buyer and the Seller, a complaint may be filed with the Court of Honor of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, the Court of Honor of the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts, or a proposal for mediation at mediation centers. The proceedings before the Courts of Honor are conducted in accordance with the Rules of the Court of Honor of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Rules of the Court of Honor of the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts, which prescribe that the members of the councils of these courts, in addition to independent legal experts and representatives of traders, are also representatives of consumers. Mediation before a mediation center is conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Mediation Act and the Mediation Center Rules. The Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts will adopt decisions on the costs of the proceedings before the Court of Honor of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Court of Honor of the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts with the consent of the minister responsible for consumer protection.

Privacy and Registration Statement

When registering, it is necessary to enter the required information (name, surname, phone, email, password…). Registration is possible only after all required information is entered into the database, and for each further use of the service, it is necessary to enter only the username and password. The user is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information entered during registration. If the user encounters difficulties during registration or login, or if there is any change in the data entered during registration, it is advisable to update the user account as soon as possible or notify HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/ at the email address INFO@NAUTICSERVICE.EU.

Privacy Policy, Data Protection, and Other Information

M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. respects your right to privacy and strives to ensure the highest level of protection for your personal data. In providing our services through this website, we are obliged to comply with the laws and regulations that define the protection of personal data. M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY D.O.O. undertakes to use the collected data provided through the website in accordance with the purpose for which you entrusted it to us, exclusively with your permission. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the association undertakes to inform customers about how the collected data will be used, regularly providing customers with the option to choose whether they want their name to be removed from the newsletter subscriber list or from the lists of customers whose data is used for marketing purposes or for internal statistical processing. All user data is strictly protected and available only to employees who need this data to perform their work. All data is stored in the Republic of Croatia. All employees of the association and business partners are responsible for respecting privacy principles.

GDPR and Cookies

About This Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are and how we use them, the types of cookies we use, i.e., the information we collect using cookies and how that information is used, and how to control cookie settings. For more information on how we use, store, and keep your personal data secure, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

You can change or withdraw your consent to the Cookie Statement on our website at any time.

Learn more about who we are, how you can contact us, and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.

Your consent applies to the following domains: HTTPS://NAUTICSERVICE.EU/

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files used to store small pieces of information. They are stored on your device when the website loads in your browser. These cookies help us make the website function properly, make it more secure, provide a better user experience, and understand how the website performs, as well as analyze what works and where it needs improvement.

How Do We Use Cookies?

Like most online services, our website uses first-party and third-party cookies for several purposes. First-party cookies are mainly necessary for the website to function correctly, and they do not collect any of your personal data.

The third-party cookies used on our website are primarily used to understand how the website performs, how you interact with our website, to keep our services secure, to provide ads that are relevant to you, and all in all, to provide you with a better and improved user experience and help speed up your future interactions with our website.

What Types of Cookies Do We Use?

Essential: Some cookies are essential for you to experience the full functionality of our website. They allow us to maintain user sessions and prevent any security threats. They do not collect or store any personal information. For example, these cookies enable you to log in to your account, add products to your cart, and securely proceed with payment.

Statistics: These cookies store information like the number of visitors to the website, the number of unique visitors, which pages of the website were visited, the source of the visit, etc. These data help us understand and analyze how well the website performs and where it needs improvement.

Marketing: Our website displays advertisements. These cookies are used to personalize the ads that we show to you so that they are meaningful to you. These cookies also help us track the efficiency of these advertising campaigns.

The information stored in these cookies may also be used by third-party ad providers to display ads on other websites in the browser.

Functional: These are the cookies that help certain non-essential functionalities on our website. These functionalities include embedding content like videos or sharing website content on social media platforms.

Preferences: These cookies help us store your settings and browsing preferences, like language preferences, so that you have a better and more efficient experience on future visits to the website.

How Can I Control My Cookie Preferences?

If M.B. NAUTIC COMPANY, during your browsing session, you decide to change your settings, you can click on the “Privacy and Cookie Policy” tab on your screen. This will display the consent notice again, allowing you to change your settings or withdraw your consent entirely.

Additionally, different browsers provide different methods for blocking and deleting cookies used by websites. You can change your browser settings to block/delete cookies. To learn more about how to manage and delete cookies, visit,

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